About Us

About CanCorps

Canadian Consortium for Research in Pediatric Surgery

CanCORPS, the Canadian Consortium for Research in Pediatric Surgery, is a consortium aimed at improving pediatric surgical care through high-quality collaborative research. CanCORPS aims to elevate the quality of pediatric surgical research by providing the highest scientific and ethical research standards. The Consortium includes all 16 major pediatric surgical services across Canada.

Mission and Scientific Objectives

The mission of CanCORPS is to improve pediatric surgical care through high-quality collaborative research.

Our scientific objectives are:

  • To provide a platform for the successful conduct of collaborative, multi-institutional research focused on patient-centered outcomes;
  • To improve the efficiency of scientific and ethical reviews through streamlining of research protocols;
  • To maintain the highest degree of scientific and ethical integrity in conducting research initiatives; and
  • To promote the dissemination of new knowledge into pediatric surgical practice and health care policy.

CanCORPS aims to improve pediatric surgical care through high-quality collaborative research.

We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation,
Chair in Pediatric Surgical Education and 
Patient and Family-Centered Care,
Department of Pediatric Surgery,
McGill University Faculty of Medicine.

Why choose us

constant innovation

Our mission

The mission of CanCORPS is to improve pediatric surgical care through high-quality collaborative research.

Our Vision

Better surgical care for children across Canada.

Our methods

Collaborative, multi-institutional research.

Our Latest

Research Studies