Magnamosis in esophageal atresia: a multi-centre case series
Summary: Magnamosis in esophageal atresia: a multi-centre case series. Study …
Summary: Magnamosis in esophageal atresia: a multi-centre case series. Study …
Summary: Hirschsprung’s Disease: A Multi-Centre Canadian Retrospective Study. Study status: …
Summary: The Therapeutic Role of Gastrografin for Treating Small Bowel …
To document the provision of thyroid surgery in children across Canada and evaluate outcome differences based on alternate models of care.
To prospectively validate a risk stratification system for perforated appendicitis that reliably predicts outcomes and resource utilization.
A comprehensive long-term registry has been created in REDCap. Our primary aim is to create, achieve and maintain a national Congenital Lung Malformation Registry.
The Therapeutic Role of Gastrografin for Treating Small Bowel Obstruction in Children: A Multi-Centre Canadian Prospective Study.
Wide variation exists in the treatment of prenatally identified ovarian cysts. The effects of various treatment strategies on outcome are not known. We have conducted a retrospective multi-centre study across 10 sites including 247 patients, to assess treatments and outcomes in a national cohort, focusing on predictors of surgical intervention, and the potential effect of surgery on ovarian salvage.